Techtongda Ultrasonic Deep Washing Machine Lifting Bracket For Ultrasonic Record Cleaning Machine see the best price
Techtongda Ultrasonic Deep Washing Machine Lifting Bracket For Ultrasonic Record Cleaning Machine

Techtongda Ultrasonic Deep Washing Machine Lifting Bracket For Ultrasonic Record Cleaning Machine

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Product Information

Description: this product is suitable for the rotary cleaning of vinyl records convenient for disassembly and installation of records. If you are a vinyl record enthusiast and if you have an ultrasonic cleaner you may need a lifting bracket to clean your vinyl record. As you know there are several ways to clean your vinyl records many people own an ultrasonic cleaner but find themselves limited to manually rotating one record at a time on some type of make-shift rod .This kind of operation is very inconvenient. If you have a lifting bracket it can help you solve many problems. Parameters: voltage: 110v rotating speed: an average of eight times per minute power: 180w item included 300229 : techtongda vinyl record cleaner rack lifting bracket

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