Dulcet Gift Baskets Tasty Vanilla Jumbo Cupcake Assortment Party Box see the best price
Dulcet Gift Baskets Tasty Vanilla Jumbo Cupcake Assortment Party Box

Dulcet Gift Baskets Tasty Vanilla Jumbo Cupcake Assortment Party Box

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Product Information

Sampling food has never been so mouthwatering well when it s a kosher gourmet gift basket filled with coconut cupcakes red velvet cupcakes and rainbow cupcakes this cupcake gift basket entails 2 of each a total of 6. Arrives in dulcet signature box wrapped in a bow... An assortment ...One of a kind what a gourmet gift basket jumbo cupcakes. 6 Counts per pack. Multipack quantity 1

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EAN: 683221377207
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