Package includes: 16 rockville rcxfm50p-b black cables all rockville pro audio cables are made with 100% copper which boosts theefficiency of the cable. There is nothing better than 100% copper. Most of thecheaper cables on the market do not use 100% copper instead they make theircables with cca copper clad aluminum . Cca cables do not perform on the levelthat 100% copper cables perform at. Cca will not conduct signals efficiently. A12 gauge cca cable will not even perform as well as a 14 gauge 100% pure coppercable which will in turn affect the performance and longevity of yourequipment. If you find cables on the market that do not mention the coppercontent there is a good chance that they are selling you a cheaper cable thatis cca and not 100% copper. Rockville pays an inspection company to oversee themanufacturing of the product to ensure that we provide a 100% oxygen free coppercable ofc . Our ofc cables are less prone to oxidation and will providemaximum signal transfer. The other important factor of a cable is the shielding. Most of the good brandson the market have about 85% shielding coverage so we decided to take ourshielding a step further. Rockville cables are shielded with a tight coppermesh covering 90% of the cable the high percentage of coverage increases theability to absorb the electromagnetic interference emi and radio frequencyinterference rfi that suppresses signal and degrades the performance ofequipment. Rockville cable’s copper shielding provides gr...