Green is the color of nature yet it is not commonly found in bouquets of roses. Step out of the ordinary and enjoy this order of 75 light green amandine roses with long sturdy green stems. Your stems will be snipped by hand and shipped fresh directly from the greenhouse. This order will be carefully packaged with protective sleeves along with a packet of floral food and flower care instructions. Please note that a vase is not included. Since most of our flowers are shipped fresh as closed buds please allow 2 to 3 days for them to fully bloom. We would highly recommend choosing your delivery date accordingly if you re planning to use these flowers for events or special occasions. Our team will be here to assist from monday to friday 8:30 am to 6:00 pm est eastern standard time by telephone at 1 877 701-7673 or via email at sales globalrose.Com. Due to differences in screen resolution and since these products are natural there may be slight color variations between the pictures and the actual roses.
Brand: GlobalRose