Dog Tranquility Veterinary Natural Alcohol-free Liquid Extract Pet Herbal Supplement 2x32 Oz only $ 259.95
Dog Tranquility Veterinary Natural Alcohol-free Liquid Extract Pet Herbal Supplement 2x32 Oz

Dog Tranquility Veterinary Natural Alcohol-free Liquid Extract Pet Herbal Supplement 2x32 Oz

$ 259.95
$ 449.95
Expires Friday 21st March at 23:59

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Product Information

Tranquility aid veterinary natural alcohol-free liquid extract pet herbal supplement. This tranquility aid veterinary natural alcohol-free liquid extract made from dried valerian root vervain scullcap herb chamomile flowers hawthorn tops marshmallow root and meadowsweet herb. Anxiety stress nervousness or uncharacteristic behaviour can be due to physical or emotional problems. Tranquility aid is a herbal calmer that will not dope or sedate your dog but will help maintain a healthy and balanced nervous system and a calm outlook. This formulation contains a good combination of herbs that can help with over excitable dogs rescue animals that may have received bad treatment rehomes or simply tense nervous sensitive dogs. Any statements on this page have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is herbal supplement and is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease. We recommend that you consult with a qualified veterinarian before using this or any other herbal products. This tranquility aid extract made from the natural highest quality human-grade dried valerian root vervain scullcap herb chamomile flower hawthorn tops marshmallow root and meadowsweet herb. Other ingredients: vegetable palm glycerin crystal clear water. Hawaii pharm tranquility aid supplement contains no gmo gluten heavy metals artificial colors preservatives or synthetic fertilizers super concentrated tranquility aid veterinary natural alcohol-free extract: dried p...
Brand: Hawaii Pharm LLC
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