The revive line contains multi-action products that uniquely remove phosphates algae food metals including copper and iron scaling carbonates organic debris and other contaminants that cause cloudy water. Revive start up clean up is formulated for use on pool startups replaster remodel refills spring openings abandoned pools and severe algae cleanups. Revive weekly is designed for the ongoing maintenance of all swimming pools. Revive is compatible with all pool chemicals sanitizers and finishes. Revive start up clean up and revive weekly do the work of several products acting as a phosphate remover metal treatment flocculant and clarifier. Features 1 gal treats up to 96 000 gallons clears any pool every time revive does the work of several products
Phosphate remover metal treatment flocculant and clarifier compatible with all pool chemicals sanitizers and finishes plus it will not cloud the water or stain the pool ideal for well water captures scaling carbonates 4 per case clears water of organic debris perfect for all pools at startup excellent for severe algae cleanups removes orthophosphates up to 2000 ppb removes copper and iron up to 2.0 Ppm naturally restores water quality within hours of applicationspecifications capacity: 1 gal
Sku: baqp145356
Brand: API Water
Size: []