Betivan Facial Mask Lift Micro-current Electric V Face Instrument Home Beauty Instrument Facial Face Thinning Instrument only $ 72.99 - ZoneOffer
Betivan Facial Mask Lift Micro-current Electric V Face Instrument Home Beauty Instrument Facial Face Thinning Instrument

Betivan Facial Mask Lift Micro-current Electric V Face Instrument Home Beauty Instrument Facial Face Thinning Instrument

$ 72.99
$ 239.99
Expires Thursday 16th January at 23:59

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Product Information

Betivan-clearance facial mask lift micro-current electric v face instrument home beauty instrument facial face thinning instrument tightening for double chin car visor sunglasses storage glasses magnetic leather glasses frame feature: free hands:an environment where you can by doing chores. Saving:forget about the constant visits to the beautician for expensive procedures. Now you can get powerful and effective anti-aging from the comfort of your home. Universality:lifting mask is made of which stretches perfectly. So you can enjoy a lifting effect regardless of the asymmetry of the face. Efficiency.An at-home lift mask as effective as an expensive salon.Has a cumulative effect so the results will keep you happy for a long time. .No complicated intimidating instructions. Just apply a moisturizing gel put on a mask and turn on the lifting mode you need. Just put on the mask for 10 minutes and treat the facial muscles with 2 different modes penetration currents into the skin and muscles of the face two types currents for your beauty versatility in use correction of facial asymmetry independence of modes for each half of the face long-term cumulative effect ease of use visual correction of age-related changes: skin firmness improves a toned beautiful face oval is wrinkles are reduced correction of drooping corners of the mouth by stimulating the muscles around reduction of subcutaneous adipose tissue in unnecessary places double chin cheeks reduction of the nasolabial sulcus...
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