You ll give them the vip experience when you send our delicious array of chocolates in this amazing basket. So many decadent chocolate treats like ghirardelli chocolate caramel squares butter toffee pretzels and cookies cream popcorn. Then there are white and milk chocolate covered sandwich cookies chocolate chip cookies brownie cookie marich english toffee caramels chuao honeycomb chocolate bar french truffles and more. This premium chocolate basket includes: 1 2 oz butter toffee pretzels 1 2.8 Oz chuao honeycomb chocolate bar 1 5.32 Oz ghirardelli chocolate caramel bag 1 1 oz soft baked brownie cookie 1 0.75 Oz white chocolate covered sandwich cookies 1 0.75 Oz milk chocolate covered sandwich cookies 1 2.5 Oz chocolate chip cookies 1 1.75 Oz biscotti di suzy almond anise mini biscotti 1 3.5 Oz french truffles 1 2 oz cookies & cream popcorn 1 1.7 Oz english toffee dark chocolate pecan 1 4.25 Oz marich english toffee caramels 1 3 oz chocolate caramel popcorn. Arrives in an elegant basket topped with a hand-tied bow.
Brand: Organic Stores Gourmet Gift Baskets