Specialty : certified organic item weight : 4.124 Item package quantity : 1 brand : peet s coffee special ingredients : 100% arabica coffee product expiration type : expiration date required is expiration dated product : true item form : k-cups each unit count : 75 flavor : major dickason s number of items : 2 directions : lift the handle of your keurig machine and place your favorite peet’s coffee k-cup pod inside. Once you close the lid place your coffee mug on the tray select your cup size press the brew button and enjoy size : 75 count pack of 2 fc shelf life : 365 part number : 510435 style : dark roast color : major dickason s item package weight : 2.822 Customer package type : standard packaging manufacturer : peet s coffee safety warning : this product is labelled to united states standards and may differ from similar products sold elsewhere in its ingredients labeling and allergen warnings ingredients : 100% arabica coffee model number : 510435 coffee roast level : dark roast diet type : kosher serving recommendation : 1 box 75 k-cup pods unit count : 150
Brand: Peet s Coffee