Well that s quite a mouthful of initials and adjectives. Canon s supreme monarch of binoculars is the first to have their l designation. The l suffix in their lineup of lenses for canon s slr and video cameras is officially designated as luxury but may as well have evolved to mean legendary
With a price and performance to match the lexicon. While this is not the absolute lightest 10x42 binocular for many users this will nonetheless be a better choice for fulfilling a life s list of exquisite tools and witnessed species alike. In use the ability of this unit to stay locked upon your subject is uncanny. Through practice and handling expertise it is true that experienced users can make good use of a 10x42 roof prism binocular-despite its magnification that s pretty strong for general handholding. But even the steadiest hands cannot match the views rendered by the canon 10x42 l is wp and that means you ll spend more time perusing finer details thanks to the incredibly efficient stabilization. While other similarly-priced binoculars may be brighter they don t provide higher perceived resolution than these fine lenses with their special field-flattener and uld lens elements.
Brand: Canon