2 Rockville Dpm5b 5.25 300w Dual Active Studio Monitors Stands Headphones Mic only $ 318.85
2 Rockville Dpm5b 5.25 300w Dual Active Studio Monitors Stands Headphones Mic

2 Rockville Dpm5b 5.25 300w Dual Active Studio Monitors Stands Headphones Mic

$ 318.85
$ 856.97
Expires Friday 21st March at 23:59

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Product Information

Package includes: 2 rockville dpm5b 5.25 2-Way 150w black active powered studio monitor speakers 1 rockville rvsm1 pair of near-field studio monitor stands w adjustable height 1 pair of rockville rrs190s foam studio monitor isolation pads 7.5 X 9.5 3 Angles 1 rockville pro-m50 studio headphones w detachable coil cable case extra ear pad 1 rockville rcm03 pro studio recording condenser microphone mic metal shock mount video of dpm5b: features of dpm5b you will get 2 of these rockville dpm5b 5.25 2-Way 150w active powered studio monitor speakers in black peak power: 150 watt rms power: 75 watt bi-amped: 25 watts for highs and 50 watts for the lows enclosure is made of top quality mdf wood. Our enclosure is not particle board it is true high-grade mdf the enclosure is 0.5 Thick around while the front board of it is a full 1 thick to give you the ultimate best sound quality we use baking paint made for wood surface. It lasts long and is the best paint for speakers beautiful finish is matte with a slight shine to it. Our designers spent a lot of time on the color to make it beautiful and elegant looking to improve the appearance of your studio or room video of rvsm1: owner’s manual video of rrs190s: features: rockville rrs190s: monitor isolation pads 3 angle high density foam 7.5 X 9.5 Video of pro-m50: video of rcm03:
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