Cherimoyas are tropical forest trees known as annona cherimola. This wonderful fruit comes from forests on the andes of ecuador colombia & peru. Cherimoya trees are evergreen though they can be briefly deciduous during cold weather. Cherimoya fruit is prized for its fruity sweet almost custard-like flavor. Custard apple is an appropriate nickname for the cherimoya which describes its creamy texture.The fruit is best eaten fresh but can be made into delicious fruit drinks or smoothies.In fact cherimoyas have been grown in coastal southern california since the late 1800’s. The fruits appearance is unusual looking somewhat like an artichoke. Cherimoya trees grow to about 25 feet wide & high. Cherimoyas can be grown to fruit successfully only in large containers with adequate nutrients. Cherimoyas are often grafted to improve their tolerance to cold & disease. Spring & early summer are the peak season for cherimoya fruit harvest. Harvest the fruit when they turn pale yellow green & are slightly soft to the touch. Flavor can be improved if fruit is harvested slightly unripe then left to ripen at room temperature indoors in bright indirect light . Cut the fruit from the tree instead of pulling it off to avoid damaging the easily bruised fruit. Never put cherimoya fruit in the refrigerator because it damages them. The fruit bruise easily & have a short shelf life. The seeds are poisonous so don’t eat them this variety has medium to large sized fruits with a yellowish green skin....