Multi-surface bathroom cleaner bathroom cleaner primary chemical none surfaces for use on hard nonporous surfaces container type bottle container size 1 qt fragrance unscented ready to use concentrated ready to use recommended dilution ready to use cleaner form liquid color white product series no series voc content 0 percent nsf rating not rated epa registered osha net weight 2.55 Lb package quantity 12 size: 1 qt. Cleaner container size: 1 qt container size: 1 qt cleaner chemical product grouping: multi-surface bathroom cleaner container type: bottle item: bathroom cleaner fragrance: unscented cleaner form: liquid primary chemical: none item
Bathroom cleaners: bathroom cleaner cleaner container type: bottle color: white recommended dilution: ready to use standards: epa registered osha rtu yield per container: 32 oz. Voc content: 0% net weight: 2.55 Lb surfaces for use on: hard nonporous surfaces nsf rating: not rated product series: no series
Brand: 3M